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Positive Reinforcement Training, Barefoot Trimming, & Equine Consulting in Central Texas and online

Positive Roots logo showing a rearing horse in front of a tree
A girl opens her arms and a brown horse leans his head into her arms for a hug

At Positive Roots Equine, I am committed to bridging the gap between science & practical application, empowering you with the knowledge and skills to provide the best possible care for your equine companion.


Whether you are struggling with a horse that is difficult for the farrier, are new to horse ownership, or want guidance with applying science-based care & training, Positive Roots Equine is here to help you. 


I believe that every horse owner deserves to have access to the best information and resources available, and I am dedicated to making that a reality. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you and your horse thrive.

A horse standing on a green riverbank with trees looking out at the water

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